Really enjoyed

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This was definitely an interesting thriller type. More of a psychological suspense and it kept me guessing. I had such a strong desire to keep reading to figure out what was really going on with Scott, Nina, and Aurelia. This story is told through the perspectives of Emily and Scott. There are also flashbacks thrown in from Nina. Emily goes to live with Nina and Aurelia as a housekeeper and caretaker for their huge estate. This was full of angst and drama. The whole time I was actually quite terrified of Aurelia the most. Not what I expected in this thriller, but i would recommend. At points the flashbacks could be a little confusing to the plot and I felt like Scott and Nina’s relationship felt forced and fake. However that became part of the storyline. I wish there had been more with Yves as it seemed to kind of suggest. There wasn’t enough of the backstory either to deal with the smells of the house. Overall lots of details, plenty of interactions between all characters. A good edge of your seat read.