Not my cup of tea....

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Intriguing story of race relations in the early 20th century that revolves around a recipe for rib sauce that was appropriated from the creator, Mamie, who ran the Barclays’ kitchen as their main cook. August Sitwell, another servant of the household, was used as the marketing caricature for the rib sauce. He, along with Mamie, were never given credit, and so also did not profit from the rib sauce sales, leading to immense hatred for the family who stole the recipe. Dire consequences happen due to the theft of the rib sauce, with unexpected and in some cases, unwanted results.

This book was slow to start, and continued to be slow throughout. Although there were some interesting points in the book, it generally was a slower read than I am used to. Jennie’s section (the second part) read relatively quicker, but Mr. Sitwell’s was not quick. I would not recommend this to anyone except real lovers of historical fiction of this era.