A Beautiful Story

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96-year-old Doris lives alone in Sweden and her only living relative Jenny is far away in the United States. Caregivers visit during the day, but mostly, she is left alone with her memories. We learn about her life through the red address book her father gave her when she was a young girl. Each name evokes a different recollection of a time and place and while there is sadness, there is also joy. Many of her past friends and acquaintances have died, but as long as they are remembered, they are never truly gone. Doris vividly recounts the experiences and people who shaped her life and I found this to be an engaging and heartfelt tale.
Whenever I have spent time with an elderly relative or friend, I have discovered so many things about their lives. The Red Address Book felt exactly like listening to someone share their life story. Doris led a unique life and the story held my attention until the final page. Learning about all those who had touched her life was a joy, and though this was a fictional tale, I wouldn't be surprised if this was based at least in part on someone's life. I believe the time has come for me to start my own recollection journal, as I don't ever want to forget the minor or major people that have been, are, or will be in my life in the future.
This seems like a great suggestion for a book club, as I can see it leading to some poignant conversations. This was a very nice change of pace from the psychological thrillers I have been reading lately.
I received an ARC from Houghton Mifflin Harcourt through BookiskFirst.