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The concept of this novel was very good. I don't typically read fantasy novels, but I found the island of Endla and Leelo's world to be very intriguing. However, the "love at first sight/insta love" between Leelo and Jaren felt a little bit too good to be true, in my opinion. Maybe I am just not a huge fan of that trope...

My favorite aspect of the book was Rutherford's writing - I think that she did a wonderful job with world-building. Endla really did seem like an enchanting and magical place. The plot was a bit slow moving at times (one of the main plot points described in the blurb of the book didn't occur until over 100 pages in), but there were some good twists toward the end.

Overall, I think that fantasy genre lovers will really like this one and should definitely check it out. I hope to read more fantasy novels in the future, and I think that this book was a nice introduction.