Slow Burn Thriller

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3.5 stars

I find myself completely lost as to how to write this review because I’m not entirely sure how I feel about The Plot. The story is genius! It’s really unique and interesting. Alternating between the main story and the book IN the story worked really well.

It’s definitely a really slow burn, character driven story, which is not something I generally like in a thriller. It took me a while to get into the story but, once I did, I read the rest quickly.

Unfortunately, I figured out the twists and where the story was headed pretty early on so there was no big surprise for me. I think this was the biggest reason I didn't love the book. Anyone who doesn’t figure things out will be completely shocked and it will be one of those books you are thinking about long after you’ve finished. The ending left me feeling unsettled and uncomfortable.

It’s a well written book with a fascinating plot that I know many people are going to be raving about.