A Good Twist

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The Plot was one of those stories that draws you in! I didn't see the end coming and really enjoyed it.
Jake is a teacher and novelist. He is working hard to come up with his next best idea, but is having issues. Then one of his students comes up with a great idea, he is jealous. Later Jake learns that the student dies without completing his work or telling anyone, so he figures it would be a good idea to take the idea and turn it into a best seller for himself. No one will know, right!
After riding the waves to success and becoming famous for his story, he pretty much forgets all about how it happened. Right up until he gets an email that call him a thief. At first he isn't concerned but then as it keeps happening and other stuff starts happening. He has to dig into where this story really came from and who really stole it from whom. This one keeps going right up to the page.