From the Heart, but not Very Much Depth

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Jeanne Oliver's book, The Painted Art Journal, is a sincere effort from the heart to encourage readers to create a personal journal that evokes the feelings of their life and history. The volume is pleasingly laid out and has some interesting photographs of, presumably, the author at her work. However, the book suffers from a lack of any real content. Other than listing some proposed materials and media, Oliver provides no guidance on the process or challenges of creating art. There's little substance to be found.

The book further suffers from the author's distracting habit of using first person personal pronouns in far too great abundance. Oliver clearly had a deeply personal experience in creating her own storyboard, but the problem is that she seems to impose her self-story onto the process that she wants the reader to use.

Still, the process she outlines can undoubtedly be cathartic and beneficial to some people and many readers will enjoy this short journey.