A Creative Way to Tell Your Story

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This book is beautiful! It has a vintage feel, which the author tells you is one of her favorite looks when creating art.

This is more than just a scrapbooking or a journaling book. The author helps you create your story in a myriad of ways: painting, drawings, photographs, quotes, storyboards, etc. She breaks down how to begin, which is usually the hardest part anyways.

I wish she had included places to brainstorm the ideas she presents. I would have liked less pictures of her studio and more of places to doodle, draw, or write down ideas from what she has shared with us. I would have also liked ideas that break from her own likes (such as graphic art or some other kind of medium that may inspire others). She also doesn't always break down some of the artist lingo she uses, however you can usually get the gist of what she means.

However, she does include pictures of her own examples, which are a huge help!
I believe that this book is for those who want to tell their story but are not fans of writing a novel and need more ideas to help them out.

Book Cover
It is beautiful! The cover alone is inspiring!