The plot wraps up with a surprise twist...

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Emily is simply one of those helpless maidens I can’t like in any book. She’s easily manipulated, has short spans of attention and doesn’t stand up for herself when someone insults her. Therefore, she makes the perfect mate for Adam, who’s still sucking at mommy’s breast. Mommy, AKA Pammie, is everything you can’t stand in a future mother-in-law: catty, sneaky, smothering her son with attention, jealous and extremely manipulative.
Believe it or not, these three revolting personalities come together to create a fairly good plot that kept me reading until done. Throughout the majority of the book, I’m screaming at Emily to run as far as she can from this man she’s so enthralled with. He’s spineless, inconsiderate and exactly how his mama has allowed him to be. But she won’t leave; no matter how much her sense tell her to and no matter how cruelly Adam’s mother treats her.
The plot wraps up with a surprise twist, which was nice. But I was still stuck with the bottom line: Adam is who he is because his mother encouraged it, allowed it and enabled it. Once I realized I was reacting to the story, I had to admit that I did become involved in and enjoyed reading it, even though the characters irritated me!