Opens with a clever hook that demands the reader's attention...

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The Other Woman opens with a prologue that is sure to pique the interest of any avid thrill seeking reader. "There is still so much work to do, so much more pain to inflict, but I will not be deterred."

As the novel begins to unfold, Emily finds herself attracted to a man named Adam after meeting him in the most cliche' setting, a bar, after a dull conference. Not expecting the attraction to go any further, the unexpected meeting turns into a relationship destined for long as Adam's Mum approves.

The writing is smooth, easy going, leaves just a taste of "there is more to this story" to come. The cover art features a simple white dress hanging in the window that teases of a wedding, but the title let's us know that something darker is lurking.

Will Adam and Emily make it to the alter? After all, Mummy knows best.