Lithia? Lithium?

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July is a mentally ill teen who struggles to create meaningful connection with others. Her best friend is her cat, Yolo. Told in past an present, this novel uses shortform chapters/blurbs to differentiate between past, present, and more distant past. In her present, July finds herself alone in her town- no people, pets, or wild animals. There are mysterious messages around town indicating she can get the people back. Will she be able to? Where did they go? Is someone or something nefarious behind this?

I enjoyed Allie Condie's Matched series, but this is very different. The short, usually page long or less chapters make it a quick read. I think I know already how this book is going to end, but I won't spoil it for you. Condie is fond of twists and turns, so I'm sure this is an enjoyable ride. Thanks to BookishFirst for the sneak preview.