I really wanted to like this more...

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I'm actually really disappointed with this book. I had such a hard time getting into this and then I had to force myself to read some chapters. If I wasn't participating in a readalong, I probably would've taken months to finish. It had so much potential, but there were so many problems.

1. The characters and switching point of views. Each chapter alternated pov between the 2 main characters. This annoyed me, not only because the switch was abrupt, but also because I really didn't like Kasey's character. I understand why she was the way she was (no spoilers), but that doesn't mean she was likable. I often questioned what her motives where and what the point of some of her decisions were. I actually dreaded her chapters toward the end. There were also characters that didn't help the story at all and felt like an after thought.

2. The world building felt incomplete. One of the problems I was having getting into the book was the world. I was often confused how technologies worked or even what the eco city was. Because of this confusion, I was left filling in the blanks on my own. At times it felt so similar to Hunger Games, and I wasn't given any other way to see the story, that I disliked it because it didn't feel original.

3. The social commentary. There was a lot and it was not subtle. In fact, it was repetitive. Alright, we get it. Humans suck. Move on PLEASE.

4. The number of boxes this was was trying to fill. I don't want to list them because spoilers, but there was a lot. It felt like the book was trying to be so many things, that it left each topic underdeveloped. That along with the open ending, left the book feeling incomplete all around. Not to mention, some things just weren't explained. Why was that one character's crime so bad? I don't get it. It lost so much of it's potential in underexplaining.

5. The writing style. This has subcategories. Don't make fun of me for doing the most with this review.
A. Was this YA? Because there was many F bombs, sex scenes, and complex topics/ phrases that even I (25 years old) couldn't fully understand.
B. This book is told out of order and on different timelines. However, this didn't help the book at times. There were a few chapters and scenes that would have hit better had they been told earlier in the story, and there were some scene that just felt completely out of place. Not to be mean, but was this edited or just proofread?
C. I just didn't vibe with her writing style. Some of the words she used bothered me (like adjectives that felt like too much) and the pacing was all over the place. The beginning was just so slow. Even part of the actiony bits felt slow because they were interrupted with unnecessary/ poorly places memories. Really didn't need to be almost 400 pages imo.

This book had a lot of problems, but it also had some things I enjoyed. I liked the idea of the eco city and how cool some of the technologies were. I also really liked Cee and her interactions. Loved the idea of being stranded on a deserted island. The deserted island scenes were my favorite and the reason I continued reading the book.

Overall, I didn't love and I didn't hate it. I want to give it 2.5 stars, but I rounded up because I know a lot of other people really enjoyed it. It just wasn't for me.