Another unfortunate DNF

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ARC provided by NetGalley

DNF @ 70%

So the thing is I just don’t care. Like I have gotten 70% of the way into this story and I do not really care about any of the characters. None of them feel well developed in both their personalities and motivations. And this lack of development is showing here in the late game.

Like I love the premis of this story. It is such a good idea and is done pretty well near the start but now that the novelty of it has worn off I am left with not a lot to show for it. That premis was really driving the first 40-50% of the story and now that it has run it’s course there is not much left of interest to me.

And I think this may be a thing with me and this authors writing style since I also just couldn’t get into her last book. Also loved that premis but just completely lost interest in the story even after months.

Also also, just everything about the college admissions process was just so WRONG. Like just pure misinformation. I have recently done all of that, I just finished my freshman year, the MC in this story has no idea what she is talking about. She could have and would have 100% gotten scholarships, gotten into good schools, and been fine. This thing about references is just so wrong. You are telling me there is not a single teacher in her whole school who she couldn’t have asked for a letter of recommendation. So many teachers are happy to write those and help you get into college. The only time I had ever hear about a bad letter was when a student who blew up a science lab asked that science teacher for a letter, as long as you don’t do that you should be fine. Additionally she was on the tennis team, she mentioned this, I think she was even the captain. Her coach would have 100% written her a letter.

And on top of that I am pretty sure the author does. It know the difference between a hackathon or a game jam. I am a compsci major and just this aspect of the story was just so not correct. Never read anything about your job or something you have training in, unless the author also has that training you will notice nothing but what is wrong and not be able to enjoy the story.