Parent Trapish

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It seems like this book seems like the adult version of the parent trap- but, when people want to take a vacation from their life or have the life they always wanted. Soon enough maybe we will see a version of this type of thing sold on the Internet- have the life you always wanted or maybe that is a good idea for a book too? But I really LOVE the idea- that a mix up in names can give a person a break or a leg up and all the things they see from what are probably really drastic changes in their life (it looks like) should be fun. It looks like a good young adult book with life lessons, which I love as they are good recommendations to parents who can read a book with their kids, as a family (which I always LOVE to promote esp. with books people want to burn, which I forbid!)

Looks like really happy reading, to me and very entertaining. The cover was arranged perfectly and the except was well written. Straight forward, above board book it seems but it looks like a worthy read.