Southern Charm with Southern Mystery...

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That could I not? The Myth of Perpetual Summer is just one of those books that you see the cover, you read that title and you just know when it's a perfect time to read it. days...hotter nights...atmospheric just from looks. And then we open the book.

The Prologue...a little intense, gives us just a teasing taste of what we will be faced with in this story. Sibling rivalry of some sort. Family drama. Something sordid happened. Murder? Murders? In one page, one paragraph..caught my attention immediately. That right there...a sign of a good book. As we move along, we are thrown into August of 1972, New Orleans, Louisiana. I was sold. Such mystery in such a beautiful place. the time something that was gaining popularity in America. Not all flower power and free love. Actually nothing at all like that in this story. One of the James family members is a part of all that...and more. This is the driving force to the mystery that is this book.

Southern atmosphere. New Orleans, known for it's beauty and rawness, it's sweaty air and it's extreme heat, it's dark alleyways, it's intrigue, it's night time excursions, it's strange people, family sagas and dysfunction and old money. Southern ways...Southern rules...Southern lives. Author Susan Crandall captures all that beautifully. Her are lured into reading more..and more. Every character has a story..every character has a past. I had to remind myself that I was reading a work of fiction. It's so good. I am interested in knowing more about this tale....