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I was really excited to have an opportunity to read and review the first book in the Daughters of the Mayflower series,The Mayflower bride. I really love reading historical facts and learning historical things in books I read. Now I know this is a fiction book but many of the facts presented I was not aware of since I don't regularly read in the time period presented. The author included a glossary of terms used in the book and I found it so helpful since a lot of the terms refer to parts of a ship which I'll admit I am not familiar with. The cast of characters listed was also very helpful as well. Beautiful historical story that is the introduction to the series as it sets up the story for the upcoming books in the series. The hardships,hunger,depression,sickness,loss and raging storms is just incredible on this voyage. When they make it to land will it be too late for the planting season? Will things work out for Mary Elizabeth Chapman so she is able to marry William or will he be branded a traitor and expelled?
This was a smooth reading fabulous book that I had trouble putting down. I can't wait to read the next books and continue the series.
This was a smooth reading fabulous book that I had trouble putting down. I can't wait to read the next books and continue the series.