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4 stars

This was such a cleverly written book. I don't even know where to start with reviewing it. First of all, Alex Michaelides' writing is beautiful. It just proves all the more that the U.K. speaks very formal English. The descriptions of imagery were so greatly detailed that I easily imagined what he was describing. I liked how much background he provided for our main character, Mariana. Often times in books I don't feel as though I know the person whose perspective we're reading from very well. That to me makes the book stand out in many ways. I followed along easily with her through her journey with feelings, emotions, and thoughts.

I will admit that the first few chapters bored me a little. I had a feeling that this was going to be a long book to get through. Come to find out, I was very wrong. It started picking up quickly. The chapters were very short, which makes it easier to continue reading and keep my interest. I had no idea where the plot was going. Alex Michaelides does an amazing job at leading the readers in one direction and then throwing all kinds of little cards at us. He blended the characters very well together that I was back and forth between who I thought was responsible for the killings. I didn't see the ending coming. I can honestly say, I've never read a book like that.

I would recommend this to a variety of different people. This has a blend of mystery, thriller, mythology, and psychology. I'm very excited to read more by this author.