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Unpopular opinions found here! (Please don’t throw tomatoes at me…)

Let me begin by saying that most of my bookish friends are rating The Maidens a solid 4-5 stars. They love it! You may very well love it, too!

With that said, I’m sorry to say that The Maidens didn’t quite live up to my high expectations. Read on….

What I Liked🌿

✨Academic murder mystery ✅

✨Greek mythology references ✅

✨Short chapters that were easy to read ✅

✨The surprise appearance of a major character from The Silent Patient was exciting and unexpected.

What I Struggled With🌿
✨The characters were all unlikeable, and I really didn’t connect with any of them even in that delicious “love to hate you” way.

✨The descriptions seemed a bit overdone for my personal taste. I found myself skimming through quite a bit of the descriptive language.

✨I kept waiting for an edge of my seat tension that never came.

✨I found the actions of Mariana and her investigation to be beyond what is believable.

✨The storyline jumped around with characters jumping in and out of the narrative in ways that were confusing to me.

I really do feel The Maidens will be a summer bestseller and one that everyone will be talking about! I suggest grabbing a copy and deciding for yourself. It will be available on June 15 everywhere books are sold.