Don’t think this author is for me

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This is the second book I’ve read from this author and I think it will be the last. This book builds up lots of interesting story points and questions that never get addressed in the ending; you expect a few red herrings in a thriller, but there were way too many loose ends left in favor of a “twist” ending that came out of nowhere and didn’t go with the rest of the story.

Some of these loose ends would have been fascinating to see resolved, I would have preferred for there to be more hints at the eventual twist of the story throughout - I had similar complaints about this when reading his other book The Silent Patient, and this one was even worse about it in my opinion.

I also found the attempt to tie this book in with The Silent Patient to be clunky and unnecessary. Basically, if you liked The Silent Patient you’ll probably like The Maidens as well; otherwise, I’d pick a different thriller.