Magical, Immersive, and Enchanting Story

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Thank you BookishFirst, the author, and the publishing company for providing me a copy of the book. The book's cover, plot, and author enticed me to claim this book with BookishFirst points. I am always excited to explore other cultures and folklore through fiction, and I believe this author highlighted it all so well. If you are a fan of magic, female leads, action/plot, and fiction, this is a really fun and enchanting novel to read.

I was transported through the jungles, architecture, and spiritual worlds in this story. The settings and the magical transformations and powers were what kept me invested and immersed in the story. I could visualize the environment and could imagine the scenes as I read the book.

The story itself was also very interesting and I kept reading to see how it would end, and when certain characters would meet. There were several sections in the story I was losing interest in and had a hard time getting through. Those denser moments were sections full of internal monologues and conversations, felt like lots of telling instead of showing, and sometimes that made me put down the book. But thinking of the story overall made me pick the book up again.