Poe Blythe, more like Poe Bleh

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The Last Voyage of Poe Blythe by Ally Condie is a YA fantasy about a girl, named Poe Blythe conviently, who lost her lover to a band of river pirates, or raiders as Condie calls them. In act of revenge for her lost lover, Poe captains a ship. But like most YA fantasies, there is an imposter among them, and Poe has to find them out before she looses everything.

This book can be best described as a emotional rollercoaster of trauma, and not in the good way you would expect. As left and right, Poe is forced to deal with death, traitors, and potential love interests that belong in the bellows of Davy Jones' Locker.

Nonetheless, the plot and characters were interesting. Though nothing compared to Condie's Matched trilogy. I would still recommend The Last Voyage of Poe Blythe to anyone daring enough to go toe to toe with a book that leave you nauseated with not just sea sickness, but whiplash as well.