Unique read but...

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aingealwroth Avatar


The Last Murder At The End Of The World by Stuart Thurton was a 3* for me. I debated about that rating for awhile before settling on the cause. Solid twists and interesting flavor but it lacks a little satisfaction on the bigger issues and seems to avoid offending people. Experiencing this through the 1984 equivalent of Big Brother (Abi) was really nice and added an extra layer of interest for me, but the book left me feelings slightly dissatisfied (as if still hungry) because it didn't leave me questioning the world or how I would fit into this dystopian version of it at the end. Instead, all questions are answered and no offense had been given and that makes it feel shallower than it should. (If you don't like pov or 1st vs 2nd perspective, do not recommend!)

Also, I adore this cover, though it seems silly to keep coming back to that point, I di!