Incredible and intelligent setup

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An incredible, intelligent setup! I enjoyed this one even if you have to suspend your belief. This dystopian is on a post-apocalyptic island when over a hundred years ago a man-made fog destroyed earth except for this island that has over 122 villagers and 3 scientists. A civil and tranquil existence among them remains a refuge from a deadly fog they can see in the distance.
When one of the scientist Niema is found murdered, they have 107 hours to solve it before the fog consumes them. The bad thing is everyone's memory was erased the night of the murder, so piecing the story back together will be difficult.
One of the main characters, Emory, refuses to allow the fog onto their premises so she works diligently with her daughter to solve the crime. This story takes a lot of twists and turns, which kept me guessing and eliminating who did it. An awesome whodunit!! There is help on the island with the highly intelligent Abi, which is actually an AI, added to some colorful conversations and point of view. I did not read Stuart Turton's other books, but I want to now.
Thank you NetGalley and Bloomsbury Publishing for this incredible ARC in exchange for my honest review.