An Exciting Murder Mystery with a Sci-Fi Twist

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I received an ARC of this book in exchange for my honest review. I hope this ARC goes through another editing phase before it is published because there were numerous issues with the current proof, especially in the later chapters. That being said, I enjoyed the book! While I was a little confused at first because of some of the vital information being kept for later in the narrative. Of note, the AI that connects all the characters isn't explained until much later in the book, which can be confusing for a one-off novel like this. Though there was enough context to piece it together, such a vital component of the narrative would ideally be fleshed out more toward the beginning.

The premise was neat, with some aspects of thriller, mystery, sci-fi, and adventure. You learn alongside the main characters who do not have any of the knowledge of their situation or environment and struggle to gleam some meaning from the three characters that do have that knowledge who are often mysterious and purposefully opaque. At the end of the world, a small island is the only safe location that hasn't been ravaged by a mysterious fog/insect swarm/bioweapon. Like many things on the island, explanations vary as to how the the fog works, but generally, it's really bad, so stay away!

When one of the mysterious elders dies in violent murder, it is up to the survivors to discover the cause of death, motive, and perpetrator. But with the villagers limited knowledge of violence and their world, it isn't easy. To add to the confusion, everyone on the island, including the two surviving elders, have lost their memories of the night the murder occurred. If that wasn't enough, the ever-looming fog is creeping closer and if they don't solve the murder in time, everyone on the island will perish. It really is an intriguing adventure as time ticks down. If you're a fan of murder mysteries with a sci-fi twist, then you'll certainly enjoy The Last Murder at the End of the World!