Desperate Times Call For Desperate Measures

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I admit, I dove right into this First Look because of the author. Everyone I know is obsessed with at least one Stuart Turton book. And there is a whole lot going on in this first 36 pages! An island that seems at once both free paradise and inescapable prison. The end of the world, some kind of magic, and people who live to be 170 years old?!? And that doesn't even touch on the voice in everyone's heads!! I don't know where to begin!

I am not overly moved by the characters we have met so far, but as I said, there are so many different thing going on here that I'm very curious to see where things unravel. I am curious about the one exiled man. I want to know how the plague is kept at bay. And how on earth did Niema get to be 170? And Abi...this voice in everyone's heads! How (or who)? How does she get them to sleep at bedtime? Why does everyone die at 60? Do the villagers have computer chips, are they robots and they don't know it? I'm completely fascinated to see where all of these bits of information lead and what this huge sacrifice that Niema is choosing is. More, more, more, please!!