This Was Amazing

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YA fantasy mystery inspired by Vietnamese culture with a dash of romance, sign me up. This was one of my most anticipated YA fantasies of the year and it did not disappoint.

Nhika is a bloodcarver who has hidden her secret behind the veil of being a healer her entire life for fear of persecution. When she is discovered, she is captured and sold to the highest bidder, but what could be a terrible situation quickly turns into a fascinating murder mystery when she finds herself with a family who just wants answers and justice.

I adored every single moment of this culturally rich tale. The magic was absolutely beautiful, and the mystery had me on the edge of my seat. The romance was sweet, but it was the only part of the book I felt was a bit take it or leave it.

I did not expect this book to break my heart the way that it did, and I don’t think that I will recover until I have the next book in this duology.

Thank you to NetGalley and the Publisher for a copy of this book. I leave this review voluntarily.