Where are the Missing Girls?

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At the request of the police and the FBI, private investigators Alice Vega and Max Caplan join the investigation into the deaths of two young women whose bodies, found on the outskirts of San Diego, remain unidentified. Suspecting a human trafficking ring could be active in the area, they want to find the person or persons responsible for the deaths of the two young Jane Does . . . and find the other missing girls.

Often gritty and, therefore, sometimes difficult to read, this human trafficking story unfolds with several unexpected plot twists and surprising turns that ratchet up the suspense and keep the tension building. The unfolding tale is as compelling as it is heartbreaking.

But, ultimately, Alice comes across as stereotypical, more of a caricature than a well-developed character. Certainly, Alice is passionate, determined, stoic, and fearless. She is single-minded in her approach to the case, but her actions often feel too improbable, even with the reader’s suspension of disbelief. Nevertheless, the topic is timely and there is much here for readers to appreciate.