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This book is the beginning to a trilogy of books which would be something to keep in mind when reading the book. As I personally didn’t figure that out until after I finished the book myself. This book is also adapted from a podcast miniseries into a book which is a unique history about the book itself.

The main characters in the book are Caleb and Adam. Caleb is an Atypical which is a almost superhuman who has a specific ability. However, each Atypical we are introduced to within the book is different from the other. Meaning that no Atypical ever has the same ability as another. Caleb has the ability to feel peoples emotions otherwise known as an empath. Which is introduced in the very beginning of the book.

With everyones emotions around him it becomes harder to not act out on certain ones that everyone is feeling such as anxiety and anger. However, in the beginning of the book there is a character names Adam whose emotions while intense feel right to Caleb. Even though the main emotion is an overwhelming amount of sadness.

Throughout the rest of the book we are therefore going throughout both Adam and Caleb point of views and figuring out how they not only becomes friends but eventually boyfriends. Yet, Adam has to extremely smart parents who have a job that may just effect everything.

The plot within this book progressed extremely slowly as in the beginning of the the book it was all about their friendship to relationship and going over Caleb’s powers. The book may have done better making the two blend together within the first half of the book and then the second half of the book being what was the actual ending of the book. Just due to how everything at the end of the book seemed to both be rushed and vaguely talked about which would then in turn leave the readers on a cliffhanger and waiting for the next book. The way that the book ends is a major way to end on book and lead it up to another.

The book introduces a handful of characters at the end of the book which not only threw me off but made me want to know more about those characters, what they could do and their influence on the plot. If they were introduced earlier it may have been better. However, there defiantly need to be more talk of the abilities and their influence on the world in this book especially since it is being compared to the X-Men and had little to no compassion of it until the very end of the book.

The pacing of this book was very slow throughout most of the book however it did heavily pick back up as it neared the end however the last section immediately went back into a slow pacing. The pacing while abrupt felt like it was needed.

This book is dentally almost an origin story for the future books but it was a wonderful read all in all with a positive gay representation, and talk about mental health throughout the book through the point of view of Adam who has depression.

TW: Depression, Cutting, PTSD

5/5 stars