It was okay

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The Infinite Noise started off great. I love the overall concept of people with powers (atypicals) in this book spending time in therapy. I think it's a really interesting and important storyline. Caleb is an atypical whose superpower is being able to feel other people's emotions. Think empathy to the extreme. As a result, he understandably experiences a lot of mood swings, and struggles with understanding who is he and what is actually happening. I think both Caleb and Adam were interesting characters, but I never really liked them both at the same

I was honestly hooked for most of this book. I loved the dual POV, even though clearly Caleb was the only main character. But then honestly, the last like quarter of the book fell flat a bit flat and kind of ruined the whole thing for me. It was okay, but not super memorable, and I just wish it had a better ending.