Curve ball

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When reading the sneak peck of this book I wasn’t sure really what I was getting myself into. Was it going to be something different to hook me in or was the first several chapters going to have me dismiss the book. The style of writing seemed to be very straight to the point and minimal rather it being too overwhelming with what the character is thinking. Liking the sound of the plot the first several chapters with the switch in points of view certainly grabbed my attention which is one of the mains reasons as too why the book hooked me in.

It is always nice to hear about more than one persons side of the story inside of the plot giving me the reader a chance to get a feel of how the story is going to develop and unfold. Straight away I know this is a positive attribute towards the plot of the story because it helps me to develop the plot further and also read between the lines to see what else the author may be trying to hide.

Overall I can most definitely say the book has me interested on the basis that I don’t normally read books with a male point of view and I could not put it down at all.