This was so hyped up but fell flat for me.

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This was THE book to read. My book club finally read it in 2019 and I was so disappointed. I think because it was hyped up so much to me that I expected greatness but instead I just got Okness.
The idea of the book was fantastic. Siblings go see a fortune teller and she tells each of them the date of their death. The book shows how this piece of information affects them and the decisions they make for the rest of their lives.
I liked how each sibling got their own chapter and their own story. Sadly though, some of the stories were much better than others. There were two whose stories were so boring, so mundane, I almost skipped them because I just didn't care. I wanted to care, but I didn't.
The book did bring about a good discussion with our group and how knowing information can affect our decisions.