A Good Book

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This book isn’t the genre I usually read and it didn’t interest me all that much. I was pleasantly surprised when I actually liked it. The author did a great job with the story and well it’s not my cup of tea, for the readers who love this genre it’s a good choice. I liked the writing style and the sequencing of the book as well.

The book is about Ezra Miller. She had two constants in her life filled with the uncertainty and instability created by her bipolar mother. Those two constants were her godmothers. Olivia and Maxie are friends of Ezra’s mother. Years after her mothers death she’s invited by her godmother to visit. This starts a new adventure for Ezra and I enjoyed reading her go through it. The character was well written and though not my favorite she had her moments. I enjoyed the godmothers as characters and they really made the book better.

I’m very grateful for the book and this was a good read.