Very well written

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lbateman95 Avatar


Wow! This is so well written! I kept thinking it had to be a fictitious town, until I saw all the first responses of readers who are from there or live close by. It saddens me at how places change. I know some change is good and we all like growth in certain areas but not to the demise of the livelihoods of families. I normally don’t read this type of book but I like this one so far and want to know more. Right now it’s hitting close to home because I just received a notice from the state that they may be buying my house and property to build a four lane through here. We’ve lived here the whole 27 years of our marriage and almost have it paid off. But the sentimental value and memories are something money can’t buy. Makes me think about the native Americans and how terrible they were done. But I digress, I can’t wait to see how this book ends. I hope it has a happy ending, or at least some closure or comfort. Maybe God opens a new door that leads to something even better in replace of the heartache.