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Now it's no secret that I'm a sucker for murder books. This was wonderfully written. I was fully captivated and genuinely on the edge of my seat. I got the opportunity to read this from a friend and I am desperate to get my own copy now. This book is exactly my kind of genre and style of book to read. Also happy birthday to this book I saw in an email it's The Fury's birthday! I hope this book gets a lot of attention because it's just absolutely entertaining. I literally engulfed the book and mowed it down so quick I wish there was 2 times more of the whole book. I really recommend this read if you're into murder genre books this one is truly outstanding. I hope to see more books from this author and I hope to add this one to my collection soon as I am absolutely in love and have to add this to my collection now. Thank you for a wonderful read from a wonderful book!