I really enjoyed it

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I am of course not really the target audience for this book, but I think it was incredible. Such a fun time

I read Artemis Fowl this year and it was really good. I enjoyed my time, but I feel that this new book was far superior!

Eoin Colfer has a knack for writing extremely charming characters, and incredibly funny dialogue, that transcends age. I think adults (because I supposedly am one) and children can both enjoy.

I am a character driven reader, so it was wonderful to read about the Fowl twins. Their personalities were wonderfully fleshed out, I never once felt the characters responded outside of their true selves. I adored hating Bleedham-Drye. Best MG villain EVER! I wasn't as taken by Lazuli, but there is still time. Holly left big shoes to fill.

All in all, it was a wonderfully journey into the younger Fowl's lives!`