An enjoyable read with an intriguing premise

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The Dinner List is a novel that explores what is an extremely common interview question - who are the five or six people, dead or alive, you would invite to a dinner? - and takes it one step further to imagine what that dinner would be like.

Sabrina arrives at her thirtieth birthday dinner to find that the list she had written long ago has come to fruition - including Audrey Hepburn. The novel alternates between the dinner and the events of the past, which center around Sabrina's ex-boyfriend Tobias. Throughout the dinner, Sabrina is forced to confront family, grief, love, and friendship, and the choices she has made. I really enjoyed the friendship between Sabrina and Jessica, and how realistic it felt. I also appreciated the reflection over the relationship between Tobias and Sabrina, and how Sabrina was in love with the idea of him from the beginning. There were some very insightful moments. Overall, an enjoyable read.