Seriously Good

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This was an intense read. With reflections on cultural memory and a people's shared trauma, I think The Deep would really appeal to those who like a serious and thought-provoking read.

Yetu, a young member of the wajinru people, has been the bearer of her people's memories since she was 14. Being the "historian" does not just entail documenting the events of the past, but also carrying the memories, experiences, and trauma of those who came before her. Living through the violent, lonely beginning of her people, we are lead through their history and get to read on to see how Yetu can reconcile her personal identity and the burden of carrying the identity of an entire culture.

With such a short tale, the author really makes use of each paragraph. We get scenes that really build the larger picture of the wajinru's world, while also presenting intimate moments with individual characters.