Romantic historical fiction with a unique perspective

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The Davenports is set in 1910s Chicago and is told from the points of view of four young Black women. Formerly enslaved, William Davenport has built the successful Davenport Carriage Company and has become very wealthy. His daughters Olivia and Helen find themselves wanting to follow paths that do not meet their parents' approval. Ruby, Olivia's best friend is under pressure to make a match to further her parents financial and political aspirations. Amy-Rose grew up with Olivia and Helen, now works as the family's maid, and has the goal of opening her own salon. The characters are distinct, and each has a coming-of-age storyline.
I really enjoyed the socioeconomic, political, historical and civil rights aspects of the book. It was fascinating to see Chicago at such a pivotal time through the eyes of these four Black women. I would like even more of the historical context in future books in the series. The Davenports is well-written romantic fiction filled with drama, conflict and a unique historical perspective.