Fun YA thriller

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This was a fun YA Mystery that would make a great beach read. Set in a summer camp, it brings some atmospheric and nostalgic summery vibes with a side of death and drama! There were some interesting discussions on friendships and class, but they felt a tad too surface level for me and left me wanting more depth. I had a hard time relating to the MC and her choices and reasoning but at 18 we all make some questionable choices 😂 I didn’t completely buy the seriousness of Goldie and Heller’s relationship after only 6 weeks. The pacing of the first half was a bit slow, but things do pick up quickly in the second half and I finished it in a few hours needing to know how it would wrap up. The mystery was interesting and twisty, but the reasoning behind it was a bit perplexing and I got some major Scooby Doo vibes with how the full story came out in the end.

If you’re looking for a nostalgic summery mystery and friendship story, this is an easy and light read that is entertaining if you don’t mind suspending belief and overlooking a few details. I split this on audio and physical copy and the narrator did a fantastic job bringing the characters to life. 3.5/5 ⭐️