Another good family drama from Tracey Lange

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I really enjoyed Tracey Lange's second novel, The Connellys of County Down. Like We Are The Brennans, it is centered around an Irish family in New York State. The Connelly siblings have not had an easy life and it hasn't gotten an easier in adulthood. Each of the siblings, Tara, Eddie and Geraldine, were well developed and you knew the motivations for all of their actions. Their mother's fairy tale about the three of them, that is brough up several times in the book, was a great way to give more depth to each of the characters. The close bond between the three sibling was realistic and believable given all they had been through in their childhood and as adults. The book was well written and would make a good book club choice. I really like Tracey Lange's writing and I look forward to reading more from her in the future. Thanks to Bookish First for the ARC.