Loved it despite not being my usual genre

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The narrator in The Cherry Robbers is Sylvia Wren, an 80 year old famous artist. She lives as a recluse and avoids all public appearances because she has a secret. She is actually Iris Chapel, the second youngest of six sisters, all heiresses to a fictional gun manufacturing company. When a journalist figures out her secret, Sylvia/Iris decides to write about her incredible childhood, including her sisters who all mysteriously died and her mother who believed they were all cursed and the murdered victims of the gun manufacturer haunted their home.

This book is described as a “feminist gothic ghost story.” I wasn't sure I would enjoy this book because it's not my usual genres but I wound up loving it. The story was very different than anything I’ve read. It reminded me a little of We Have Always Lived in the Castle and and a bit Virgin Suicides. It explores themes of family, feminism, sexuality and grief. I loved the story and the unfolding mystery.