Not the best

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z.joanna Avatar


** spoiler alert ** Cover

I really like the cover. I think it's vibrant and attracts a readers attention. You understand the knife and the bird once you read the book but I like having those elements on the cover.


The plot sounded interesting; a world dominated by men is turned upside down by one daughter of a leader. She has magic and uses it to save her family and then herself. I usually enjoy reading fantasy standalones but I felt this one needed at least another book and it needed to be set up differently.

The character I really loved and wanted to know more about (Luca) dies really soon and it almost made me want to stop reading. It was so sudden and although necessary to the story line, it just came out of no where and was super quick. Benamio felt also a bit unnecessary. He could have died and no one would have turned an eye...or Teo could have went as him to Capo instead of Luca...

The plot ended up being a lot of scheming and romance and betrayal. I feel like nothing substantial actually happened in this book. There was no drama and no suspense for me and it fell flat.

Main Characters


She's angry about the world being ruled solely by men and I appreciate that and love that in a female character. She takes the form of a boy to save her family but discovers what she really wants in the process. She learns more about her magic and how to control it and she falls in love. So much of her journey is squished into 330 pages and it was so rushed. I would like to see her after this self discovery but we are left with an open end, which I actually don't mind. The reader can imagine what she did afterwards and how she lived her life.


We learn things along with Cielo about their family, specifically mother. I did see how it tied in with the plot later on but nothing ever happened with the information they learned about their family. It was all left up in the air. We never learn anything else about them and I didn't feel any connection to them. Cielo was just there to be the love interest and they moved things along sometimes.