Charming Story

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4.5 Stars!

Dove Pond, North Carolina is a town barely surviving and the only person who can save it is Grace Wheeler. Grace is Dove Pond's newest resident and town clerk, relocating from Charlotte when it became necessary to return to care for her foster mother, Mama G, and her niece, Daisy.

Will Grace be able to come up with a plan to help save Dove Pond? And can she do it in the year she's planning to stay there? Or will Dove Pond and it's quirky residents win her over? You'll have to read this charming story to find out.

I love reading books about books, but was a little leary of this one because of the magical element; however, the worry was unnecessary, The Book Charmer is a real charmer of a book! Grace is a bit harsh and not very likeable initially, but once she opens up about her struggles and begins to make friends, she becomes much more likeable.

I found myself smiling a lot throughout this book and am happy to see the series will continue. The epilogue gives a taste of what's to come. I can't wait to visit with the residents of Dove Pond again soon. In the meantime, there's an e-novella, Love in the Afternoon, to tide us over.