Great, but wanted MORE!

filled star filled star filled star filled star star unfilled
madmadhatter Avatar


I really liked the fluid writing style of this story, however I would've loved for the book to be longer so we could explore the court, it's members and the vampirery elements of the world.

PERSONALLY I thought the mastermind was going to be Michael because I would've loved to see him destroy Bastien's life by stealing his girl with his Italian charms. If he ended up being the big mastermind, that would've broken up the typical "twilight love triangle" dynamic too. I think that would've been a more impactful twist than Nigel - who was an okay choice, but a little disjointed since we didn't know a whole lot about him.

Also, I feel like the murder mystery aspect of the book would have been better if we got to see more of the investigation/detective parts of the story. They had the hints and we didn't really get a solid conclusion and they KILLED HIM OFF SCREEN?? I would've loved some solid death scene for the big bad of the book. I also thought we would get more hints to who it was or their motivations throughout, like with each new body.. at the end even with learning about his sister, it seems like the only motivation was really to kill Bastien? So I didn't really understand all of the extra steps in their plotting.

It was overall a fun read and I am planning on reading the sequel to hopefully get more backstory and vampire action lol