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CJ Tudor and Alex North have a bit in common with their books in that there may or may not be a bit of a supernatural element! It was a bit confusing at first, jumping around in time but I settled in quickly enough after 30-50 pages. This is not for the faint of heart but none of North's books are so if you've read and enjoyed his other books, you'll be fine with this one. I did feel like this could've gone a little deeper into the "religious cult" aspect and the "Angels" and how they are made into "Angels, so maybe a John Locke POV in one of the past timelines and it would've been a bit more interesting. But I liked the twists and tie-ins that I didn't see coming. I'm glad it didn't get *too* graphic, just a hint at the bad things. I do think I might have missed one connection so one person's plot line didn't match too much sense to me. Overall, I did enjoy this and look forward to his next book, as I always do!