I Need More!

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These first three chapters really grabbed my attention, I was invested from the first page! I have personally never read anything by Alex North before but I have had many friends recommend The Whisper Man to me, which is on my never ending TBR list, but after reading just this excerpt I want to dive into all of his other books. Thrillers are my absolute favorite genre to read, and this book seems to be right up my ally. I love the concept and can't wait to read the entire book. A serial killer who can see into the future? Talk about the perfect idea for a thriller. I am so intrigued and can't wait to see what twists and turns this book will take.

I'm also a big fan of the cover, it's very eye catching and unique as much as they say never to judge a book by its cover, I think a lot of us tend to do so anyways. So, a good eye-catching cover and title go a long way.