Fell Short of my Expectations

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For a book named after The Angel Maker serial killer, I would have liked the book to go into more depth about the man. Instead, readers were dragged through so many different storylines that it made my head spin. I found myself flipping backwards through the book thinking that I missed something but it was all so confusing.

This was my most anticipated book of 2023, but it turned out to be my biggest letdown of the year. I almost DNF’ed around 60% mostly because I lost interest and didn’t care how it ended but I held on so I could chat it up with some book friends.

The ending felt rushed and left me with more questions than answers. Maybe I’m just an outlier but I recommend everyone reading it for themselves.

This book was definitely overhyped and promising scary twists from other reviewers. It was my most anticipated read of the year, but it ended up falling short of my expectations.