One Summer can change a life….

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I really enjoyed this overall, though it didn’t quite achieve the heights of ‘One Day’. I always find David Nicholls a really engaging writer, his grasp of language, emotion, nostalgia and relationships always spot on. I tend to find if you can identify with his characters and themes, you love him, if you can’t you find his books a bit of a struggle.
At first glance this is a book about first love, of bonding over one glorious Summer, but by the book’s end you realise it was about more than just the main characters experiences. All the subplots and supporting characters have a role to play, and love and relationships come in lots of shapes and sizes- romance, family, friendships.
My only real criticism is that I think David Nicholls overdid the Shakespearean connections a little too much ( though I did enjoy the parallels being pointed out) and Charlie and Fran’s dialogue was a little too pat at times for such youngsters.
On balance, though, a book that will make you smile. I like that.