I loved this!

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Sweet Sorrow has many strengths. Nicholls' writing is tightly crafted and nuanced. Passages range from witty moments to laugh-out-loud funny -- not always an easy feat in a novel. He also has a strong ability to use verbs much like a poet does, with a laser-beam way of capturing a particular action and/or visual that is unexpected.

Sweet Sorrow is also heralded for its nostalgic tone, especially regarding the unrepeatable feelings surrounding one's first love. I agree with this, and this nostalgia successfully avoids being saccharine -- again, not an easy feat. A range of emotions are woven successfully throughout including worry, depression, apathy, excitement, nervousness, insecurity, etc. For readers born in the general timeframe as Charlie and Fran, there's an extra layer of nostalgia with references to certain trends and music from the late 90s.

A very enjoyable read!