A Beautiful and Melancholic British Story

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I make a point of reading every new book by David Nicholls and am yet to find myself disappointed. This was no exception. The novel is a beautifully written bitter-sweet and melancholic take on young love and discovering yourself. It's a small story set in quite an ordinary situation, yet Nicholls draws out a powerful and affecting story which has stayed with me for several months now.

The main character feels listless and without purpose as he comes to the end of his school years without any sense of what his life is for. Through a chance encounter, he comes across an amateur production of Romeo and Juliet which helps him to make much more sense of his life in a low-key and realistic way.

I would recommend this for people who have enjoyed his previous books, as well as any amateur Shakespeare dramatists. To be honest, if you have a soul then I think you'll get something from this book.